Wesley R. Barnhart, M.A.

Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology
Doctoral Psychology Intern

Wesley Barnhart (Wes; they/he) is dedicated to advancing our understanding of and treatments for eating disorders in minoritized and underrepresented populations. Wes uses scientifically rigorous, transparent, and open science approaches to clarify the complex links between stigma, systems of oppression, and eating disorders. Wes unites their research program with their core values (e.g., multiculturalism; diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice) and identities/lived experiences as a Queer, gender-diverse, first-generation scholar.


  • Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology (2025 expected) - Bowling Green State University

    Candidacy Exam Passed: April 2023
    Dissertation Proposal: August 2023
    Dissertation Defense: December 2024 (expected)

    Dissertation: Examining Sociocultural and Minority Stress Models in Relation to Thinness- and Muscularity-Oriented Eating and Body Image Disturbances: A Longitudinal Study in a Community Sample of Sexual Minority Men from the United States

    (Advised by Abby L. Braden, Ph.D.)

    Doctoral Psychology Intern, Eating Disorders Track (2024 – 2025) - Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    (For Research, Advised by Cynthia M. Bulik, PhD, FAED, Laura Thornton, PhD; For Clinical, Advised by Christine M. Peat, PhD, FAED, LP, Camden Matherne, PhD, LP, Mae Lynn Reyes-Rodriguez, PhD, FAED)

    M.A. in Clinical Psychology (2021) - Bowling Green State University

    Thesis: Food-Specific and General Cognitive Control Variables Moderate Relations Between Emotion Dysregulation and Eating Pathology: Cross-Sectional Findings in an Online Community Sample of Adults with Overweight/Obesity

    (Advised by Abby L. Braden, Ph.D.)

    Research Fellow (2023) -  Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

    (Advised by Cynthia M. Bulik, PhD, FAED, Laura Thornton, PhD, Liselotte Peterson, PhD, Hunna J. Watson, PhD)

    B.S. in Systems/Behavioral Neuroscience (2019, with Honors) - Ohio State University

    Clinical Research Assistant, Nisonger Center, University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Ohio State University

    (Advised by Susan M. Havercamp, PhD, Marc J. Tassè, PhD)

    B.A. in Psychology (2016, with Honors and Research Distinction) - Ohio State University

    Senior Thesis: Reward Processing and Risky Decision Making in College Students With and Without Self-Reported Disordered Eating Behaviors

    (Advised by Melissa T. Buelow, Ph.D.)

  • Scholarships and Awards

    • 2024

      • National Register Internship Travel Scholarship ($1,000), American Psychological Foundation

      • 1st Place, Charles E. Shanklin Award for Research Excellence (Social and Behavioral Sciences Division; $1,250), 15th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University

      • Funding for Professional Development Award ($200), Graduate Student Senate, Bowling Green State University

    • 2023

      • Scholarship for Clinicians and Researchers Underrepresented in Academy for Eating Disorders ($2,000 and complimentary conference registration), 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders

      • Recipient, Rising Star Graduate Student Award, LGBTQ+ Programs, Bowling Green State University

      • 1st Place, Oral Presentation (Paper Presentation Category; $300), 14th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University

      • Recipient, Jill Carr Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year Award ($1,000), Graduate Student Senate, Bowling Green State University

      • Recipient, Diversity Travel Award ($300), Midwestern Psychological Association

    • 2022

      • Recipient, Letter of Commendation, Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University

    • 2021

      • Recipient, Graduate Summer Supplemental Funding ($500), Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University

      • 3rd Place, Oral Presentation (Paper Presentation Category; $75), 12th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University

      • Inducted, Phi Kappa Phi, Bowling Green State University Chapter

    • 2020

      • Honorable Mention (top 25%), Paper Presentation, 11th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University

    • 2019

      • Nominated, John T. Mount Academic Excellence Award, College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program, Ohio State University Newark

    • 2018

      • 3rd Place, Poster Presentation (Research Staff and Clinical Research Coordinator Category; $100), Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Ohio State University

    • 2017

      • Inducted, Nu Rho Psi National Honor Society in Neuroscience, Ohio State University Epsilon Chapter

    • 2016

      • Inducted, Pi Sigma Alpha, Mortar Board National Senior Class Honor Society, 104th Class, Association of Ohio State Class Honoraries, Ohio State University Mabel G. Freeman Chapter

      • 1st Place, Oral Presentation (Completed Research Category; $200), 12th Annual Undergraduate Research Forum, Ohio State University Newark

      • Recipient, Undergraduate Research Scholarship ($2,500), College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program, Ohio State University

      • Recipient, Dr. Paul E. Panek Memorial Scholarship ($3,000), Department of Psychology, Ohio State University Newark

    • 2015

      • Recipient, Ruth Scott-Sara Staats Outstanding Psychology Student Award ($500), Department of Psychology, Ohio State University Newark

    • 2014

      • Recipient, Research Scholar Award ($1,000), Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry, Ohio State University

      • Peer Research Contact, Columbus (Social and Behavioral Sciences/Business) and Newark campuses, Ohio State University

      • Dinner With 12 Buckeyes, Ohio State University Newark

    • 2013

      • Inducted, Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology, Ohio State University at Newark Campus Chapter

    Academic Honors

    • 2012 – 2017

      • Dean’s List, Ohio State University


Elevating Minoritized Backgrounds in Research on Appearance Concerns and Eating Disorders


  • In Preparation

    2024 – 2025 Notice of Special Interest: Research on the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations (NOT-MD-22-012; submitting under K mechanism)

    • Title: Causal and Temporal Links Between Sexual and Gender Minority Stress and Eating Disorders in LGBTQ+ Youth and Young Adults: A Biopsychosocial Approach

    • Agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

    • Role: Principal Investigator


    2023 – 2024 Graduate Research Grant

    • Title: Examining the Prospective Associations between Sociocultural and Minority Stress Models and Eating and Body Image Disturbances in a Community Sample of Sexual Minority Men from the United States

    • Agency: Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology

    • Role: Principal Investigator

    • Status: Funded

    • Direct Costs: $1,000

    2023 – 2024 Katzner Graduate Student Research and Professional Development Award

    • Agency: Graduate College, Bowling Green State University

    • Role: Principal Investigator

    • Status: Funded

    • Direct Costs: $1,000

    2023 – 2024 Drs. Larry and Lorraine Nulton Clinical Psychology Research Fund Award

    • Agency: Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University

    • Role: Principal Investigator

    • Status: Funded

    • Direct Costs: $437

    2023 – 2024 Psychology Diversity and Inclusion Initiative Fund

    • Title: Integrating Sociocultural and Minority Stress Theories to Explain Eating and Body Image Disturbances in a Community Sample of Sexual Minority Men in the United States: A Prospective Study

    • Agency: Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University

    • Role: Principal Investigator

    • Status: Funded

    • Direct Costs: $500

    2015 – 2016 Undergraduate Student Research Grant

    • Agency: Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University

    • Role: Principal Investigator

    • Status: Funded

    • Direct Costs: $1,034

    2014 – 2015 Undergraduate Student Research Grant

    • Agency: Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University

    • Role: Principal Investigator

    • Status: Funded

    • Direct Costs: $1,009


    2023 – 2024 Wayne F. Placek Grant

    • Title: Examining Sociocultural and Minority Stress Models in Relation to Thinness- and Muscularity-Oriented Eating and Body Image Disturbances: A Longitudinal Study in a Community Sample of Sexual Minority Men from the United States

    • Agency: American Psychological Foundation

    • Role: Principal Investigator

    • Status: Unfunded

    • Direct Costs: $15,000

    Professional Development

    2018 Professional National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant Development Workshop

    • Duration: 1 day

    • Institution: Neuroscience Research Institute, The Ohio State University

  • Regional/National/International Paper Presentations

    • Barnhart, W.R., Han, J., Zhang, Y., Luo, W., Li, Y., & He, J. (2024, April). Sexual self-labels and eating pathology in sexual minority men [Paper presentation]. 96th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Cui, S., He, J., Cui, T., Sun, H., Lu, Y., Barnhart, W.R., & Nagata, J.M. (2024, March). Longitudinal associations of body talk with eating and body image disturbances in Chinese adults [Paper presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Cui, T., Wang, Z., Barnhart, W.R., Ji, F., Nagata, J.M., & He, J. (2024, March). Bullying and disordered eating: Testing interpersonal and emotion dysregulation correlates in men [Paper presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • He, J., Cui, S., Cui, T., Barnhart, W.R., Han, J., Xu, Y., & Nagata, J.M. (2024, March). Muscularity teasing is more related to men’s, not women’s, eating and body image disturbances [Paper presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Cui, S., Xu, Y., Cui, T., Tan, C., Zhao, Y., Yin, J., & He, J. (2024, March). Self-objectification in Chinese pregnant women: The mixed role of functionality appreciation [Paper presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Kalantzis, M.A., Braden, A., Meschino, K., Dauber, A., & Barnhart, W.R. (2023, June). A development of norms of disordered eating, emotional eating, and body image assessments in Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African American women [Paper presentation]. 2023 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Washington, DC, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Cui, T., Cui, S., & He, J. (2023, June). Prospective associations between weight bias internalization and biopsychosocial correlates in Chinese adolescents [Paper presentation]. 2023 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Washington, DC, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Jordan, A.K., Kalantzis, M.A., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2022, April). Sex moderates relations between sociocultural appearance pressures and disordered eating [Paper presentation]. 94th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Kalantzis, M.A., & Braden, A.L. (2022, April). Mindfulness facets and eating pathology in adults with overweight/obesity [Paper presentation]. 94th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Whalen Smith, C.N., Havercamp, S.M., Barnhart, W.R., & Robinson, A.C. (2021, April). Core competencies on disability for health care education: Training the next generation of physiotherapists [Paper presentation]. World Physiotherapy Congress 2021, Virtual, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Braden, A.L., & Price, E. (2021, April). Emotional eating and emotion dysregulation relate to disordered eating [Paper presentation]. 93rd Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Virtual, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Braden, A.L. (2020, April; Accepted; Canceled due to COVID-19). Positive emotional eating and emotional reactivity predict increased binge eating [Paper presentation]. 92nd Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Robinson, A.C., Havercamp, S.M., Macerollo, A., Walton, J., Porkup, J., Crane, J., Lash, T., & Barnhart, W.R. (2019, November). Implementing disability training opportunities for future health care providers [Paper presentation]. 147th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Ellsworth, D., Myers, J., Andridge, R.R., Robinson, A.C., & Havercamp, S.M. (2019, April). Physical and mental health of caregivers: An analysis of national Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data [Paper presentation]. 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.

    Local Paper Presentations

    • Kalantzis, M., Lim, S., Zoleta, C., James, S., Yannon, M., McDevitt, A., Riesgo, T., Flannigan, K., Barnhart, W.R., & Jordan, A.K. (2023, April). An ecological momentary assessment of racial microaggressions in graduate students of color: A pilot study and preliminary findings [Paper presentation]. 14th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Jordan, A.K., Angoff, H., Kalantzis, M., Johnson, A., & Dworsky, D.O. (2023, April). Adopting an intersectional approach to eating and body image disturbances in sexual and gender minority women and men [Paper presentation]. 14th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2021, April). Negative psychological correlates moderate relationships between picky eating and eating concerns in emerging adults: An exploration of picky eating facets [Paper presentation]. 12th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Kalantzis, M., Barnhart, W.R., & Braden, A.L. (2021, April). Emotional regulation difficulties moderate the relationship between negative emotional eating facets and disordered eating among adults with overweight/obesity: A secondary analysis of cross-sectional data [Paper presentation]. 12th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Braden, A.L., & Jordan, A.K. (2020, April). Positive emotional eating and increased ease of activation and intensity of positive emotional reactivity interact to predict increased binge eating [Paper presentation]. 11th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Buelow, M.T. (2016, March). Reward processing and risky decision making in disordered eating [Paper presentation]. 12th Annual Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University Newark, Newark, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Robinson, C.W., & Rivera, S. (2015, March). Auditory stimuli slow down responses and first fixations: Support for auditory dominance in adults [Paper presentation]. 11th Annual Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University Newark, Newark, OH, USA.

    Regional/National/International Poster Presentations

    • Jordan, A.K., Barnhart, W.R., & Angoff, H.D. (2024, March). Eating and body image disturbances in sexual and gender minority adults: A person-centered approach [Poster presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Kalantzis, M., Dauber, A., Jordan, A., Barnhart, W.R., Studer-Perez, E., Davis, C., & Musher-Eizenman, D. (2024, March). Toxic masculinity: Masculine behaviors, emotion regulation, and eating disorder symptoms in men [Poster presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Kalantzis, M., & Braden, A. (2024, March). Relations between emotional eating and disordered eating: Meta-analysis of three decades of research [Poster presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Costello, K.M., Roche, P.A., Pauley-Gadd, S., Borg, S., Birgegård, A., Flatt, R.E., Fundin, B., Kennedy, H. L., Mantilla, E. F., Monell, E., Thornton, L. M., Jordan, J., Kennedy, M., Martin, N. G., Bulik, C.M., Schaumberg, K., & Watson, H.J. (2024, March). Maladaptive exercise: Prevalence and correlates in people with a history of eating disorders [Poster presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Zhao, Y., Tan, C., Barnhart, W.R., Wang, Q., Liu, Y., Yin, J., Cui, S., & He, J. (2024, March). Life events are uniquely related to body image and disordered eating in Chinese pregnant women [Poster presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Han, J., Zhang, Y., Luo, W., Li, Y., & He, J. (2024, March). Beyond the bedroom: Sexual self-labels are related to eating pathology in sexual minority men [Poster presentation]. 2024 International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY, USA.

    • Braden, A., Barnhart, W.R., Dauber, A., Meschino, K., Kalantzis, M., Jordan, A., & Studer-Perez, E. (2024, March). Assessing emotional eating: Integration of self-report, experimental, and ecological momentary assessment results [Poster presentation]. 45th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, Society of Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

    • Cui, T., Xu, Y., Barnhart, W.R., Han, X., Ye, Z., & He, J. (2023, December). Testing the acceptance model of intuitive eating across Chinese men and women: A multigroup analysis [Poster presentation]. The 2023 International Conference on Mental Health Promotion: Summit on Lifestyle Behaviors and Health Promotion, Shenzhen, China.

    • Clark, P., Wince, C., Barnhart, W.R., Buelow, M.T., Goktan, A., & Mitchell, A.M. (2023, August). Use of decision-making strategies on the Iowa gambling task varies by self-reported biological sex [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Division 17 (Society for Counseling Psychology) conference session, Washington, DC.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Jordan, A.K., Kalantzis, M.A., Studer-Perez, E.I., Bailey, M.H., & Dworsky, D.O. (2023, April). Mindfulness, body appreciation, and eating pathology in sexual minorities [Poster presentation]. 95th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Lin, Y., Ren, Y., Barnhart, W.R., Cui, T., & He, J. (2023, June). The comorbidities of disordered eating, problematic internet use, and psychological distress: A longitudinal network analysis in Chinese adolescents [Poster presentation]. 2023 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Washington, DC, USA.

    • Kalantzis, M.A., Barnhart, W.R., Jordan, A.K., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2023, June). The tripartite influence model of eating pathology in a sample of undergraduate and community men [Poster presentation]. 2023 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Washington, DC, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Cui, S., Cui, T., Hong, D., & He, J. (2023, June). Relationships between transgender congruence, body image, and disordered eating in Chinese transgender adults [Poster presentation]. 2023 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Washington, DC, USA.

    • Jordan, A.K., Barnhart, W.R., Kalantzis, M.A., Studer-Perez, E., & Bailey, M. (2023, June). Drive for muscularity does not moderate the relationship between body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in LGBTQ-identifying individuals [Poster presentation]. 2023 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Washington, DC, USA.

    • Kalantzis, M.A., Barnhart, W.R., Jordan, A.K., Dauber, A., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2022, April). Relations between emotion dysregulation, emotional eating types, and disordered eating [Poster presentation]. 94th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Kalantzis, M.A., Barnhart, W.R., & Braden, A.L. (2022, April). An exploratory study examining the relationship between facets of self-compassion and eating behaviors in a treatment-seeking sample of adults with overweight/obesity [Poster presentation]. 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference, Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Braden, A.L. (2022, April). Emotion-cognitive relationships underlying eating pathology in adults with overweight/obesity [Poster presentation]. 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference, Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.

    • Ren, Y., Lu, C., Yang H., Ma, Q., Barnhart, W.R., Zhou, J., & He, J. (2021, October). Using machine learning to explore core risk factors associated with the risk of eating disorders among Chinese young women: A decision-tree classification analysis [Poster presentation]. 1st Big Bay Area Young Scholars in Psychology Conference, Virtual, International.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Jordan, A.K., Studer-Perez, E.I., Kalantzis, M., Hamilton, L., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2021, April). Negative psychological correlates and eating pathology in caregivers before/during COVID-19 [Poster presentation]. 93rd Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Virtual, USA.

    • Dial, L.A., Pratt, M., Varga, A.V., Studer-Perez, E.I., Barnhart, W.R., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2021, April). Parental mental health and retrospective food parenting practices [Poster presentation]. 93rd Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Virtual, USA.

    • Jordan, A.K., Barnhart, W.R., Hamilton, L., Pratt, M., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2021, April). Inflexible eating interacts with picky eating to strengthen relationships with disordered eating in emerging adulthood [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development 2021 Biennial Meeting, Virtual, USA.

    • Braden, A., Anderson, L., Ferrel, E., Redondo, R., Barnhart, W.R., Kalantzis, M., & Dauber, A. (2021, April). Eating when depressed, anxious, bored, or happy: An examination of treatment-seeking adults with overweight/obesity [Poster presentation]. 42nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference, Society of Behavioral Medicine, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Hamilton, L., Jordan, A.K., Pratt, M., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2021, April). Negative psychological correlates interact with picky eating to predict disordered eating [Poster presentation]. 42nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference, Society of Behavioral Medicine, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Braden, A.L., & Dial, L.A. (2021, April). Psychosocial correlates of emotional eating [Poster presentation]. 42nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference, Society of Behavioral Medicine, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Braden, A.L., & Dial, L.A. (2020, November). Internal facets of mindfulness correlate with emotional eating and binge eating in overweight adults [Poster presentation]. 38th Annual Meeting of The Obesity Society, Atlanta, GA, USA.

    • Braden, A., Anderson, L., Ferrell, E., Redondo, R., Grant, J., & Barnhart, W.R. (2020, November). Dialectical behavioral therapy for overweight emotional eaters [Poster presentation]. 38th Annual Meeting of The Obesity Society, Atlanta, GA, USA.

    • Robinson, A.C., Barnhart, W.R., & Havercamp, S.M. (2018, November). Developing an inclusive health promotion strategy for adults with disabilities and direct support professionals [Poster presentation]. 146th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Rivera, S., & Robinson, C.W. (2017, October). Changes in multisensory processing across the lifespan [Poster presentation]. 10th Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Rivera, S., & Robinson, C.W. (2017, October). The effects of linguistic labels on visual attention in children and young adults [Poster presentation]. 10th Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Buelow, M.T. (2016, May). Reward processing and risky decision making in disordered eating [Psi Chi poster presentation]. 88th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Rivera, S., & Robinson, C.W. (2016, May). Heart rate variability as a predictor of divided attention in children [Psi Chi poster presentation]. 88th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Rivera, S., & Robinson, C.W. (2015, October). Exploring modality dominance in children and adults: An eye tracking study [Poster presentation]. 9th Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Buelow, M.T. (2015, May). The influence of math anxiety on behavioral decision making tasks [Psi Chi poster presentation]. 87th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Robinson, C.W., & Rivera, S. (2015, May). Identifying the costs of auditory dominance on visual processing: An eye tracking study [Psi Chi poster presentation]. 87th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

    Local Poster Presentations

    • Ries, K., Durkin, B., Mills, K., Barnhart, W.R., & Braden, A.L. (2023, April). Comparing levels of situational empathy based on medium of exposure to COVID-19 [Poster presentation]. Spring 2023 Bi-Annual Psychology Department Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Ries, K., Durkin, B., Mills, K., Barnhart, W.R., & Braden, A.L. (2023, April). Comparing levels of situational empathy based on medium of exposure to COVID-19 [Poster presentation]. Undergraduate Symposium for Research and Scholarship, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Musher-Eizenman, D.R. (2023, April). Higher meal disengagement and meal presentation are uniquely related to psychological distress and lower quality of life in undergraduates [Poster presentation]. 14th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Williams, M.N., Barnhart, W.R., Jordan, A.K., & Braden, A.L. (2020, May; Accepted; Canceled due to COVID-19). Negative emotional eating is positively associated with binge eating [Poster presentation]. Spring 2020 Bi-Annual Psychology Department Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Braden, A.L., & Dial, L.A. (2020, April). Acting with awareness and non-reactive mindfulness interact with negative emotional eating to predict binge eating [Poster presentation]. 11th Annual Charles E. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Havercamp, S.M., Ellsworth, D., Coleman, E., Lorenz, A., Whalen Smith, C.N., & Riddle, I.K. (2019, March). Evidence for the fidelity and effectiveness of Living Independent From Tobacco for people with disabilities and their caregivers [Poster presentation]. 2019 Spring Undergraduate Research Festival, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Havercamp, S.M., Lorenz, A., & Yang, E.A. (2018, December). Better together: Cooking Matters for adults with developmental disabilities and direct support professionals [Poster presentation]. Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Buelow, M.T., & Trost, Z. (2018, November). Effects of acute pain and pain-related fear on risky decision making and effort during cognitive tests [Poster presentation]. 2018 Autumn Undergraduate Research Festival, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Buelow, M.T. (2016, March). Reward processing and risky decision making in disordered eating [Poster presentation]. 2016 Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., Rivera, S., & Robinson, C.W. (2016, March). Exploring modality dominance in children and adults: An eye tracking study [Poster presentation]. 12th Annual Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University Newark, Newark, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Buelow, M.T. (2015, September). The influence of math anxiety on behavioral decision making tasks [Poster presentation]. 2015 Fall Undergraduate Research Student Poster Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.

    • Barnhart, W.R., & Buelow, M.T. (2015, March). The influence of math anxiety on behavioral decision making tasks [Poster presentation]. 11th Annual Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University Newark, Newark, OH, USA.


    • Buelow, M.T., Brunell, A.B., & Barnhart, W.R. (2016, July). The relationship between personality characteristics and behavioral decision making task performance. In M. T. Buelow & J. Schiebener (Co-Chairs), Decision making in laboratory gambling tasks: New findings on cognitive and emotional processes, individual differences, and situational variables as predictors of decision making behavior [Symposium presentation]. 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, Asia.

Clinical Experience

Wes has extensive training in evidence-based treatments for eating disorders, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-E and CBT-guided self-help), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Family-Based Treatment (FBT). Currently, as a Doctoral Psychology Intern at the University of North Carolina Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders, Wes works closely with adolescent and adult patients with eating disorders at multiple levels of care (e.g., inpatient, outpatient). Wes also has extensive clinical experiences applying evidence-based treatments for other presentations of psychopathology, including anxiety, mood, personality, substance use, and trauma disorders.

Contact Wes.

Please use the following form to connect, ask questions, collaborate with, or explore opportunities with Wesley.