Teaching & Mentorship

Instructor of Record

Bowling Green State University

  • Spring 2024: Introduction to Clinical Psychology (PSYC 3080)

    • 1 undergraduate course section

  • Fall 2023: Human Sexuality (PSYC 3070)

    • 1 undergraduate course section

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Bowling Green State University

  • 2020 – 2021: Lifespan Developmental Psychology (PSYC 3100)

    • 3 undergraduate course sections

    • Instructors of Record: Meagan Docherty, Ph.D. (Fall 2020); Yiwei Chen, Ph.D. (Spring 2021); LaNaya M. Anderson, M.S. (Spring 2021)

    • Responsibilities: Monitoring chat boards during scheduled lectures, grading, leading group sessions on course content, uploading assignment content into Canvas.

  • Fall 2020: Psychology of Adult Development and Aging (PSYC 3090)

    • 1 undergraduate course section

    • Instructor of Record: Yiwei Chen, Ph.D.

    • Responsibilities: Monitoring student discussion board on Canvas, grading.

Guest Lectures

Bowling Green State University

  • Spring 2023: Introduction to Clinical Psychology (PSYC 3090)

    • 1 undergraduate course section

    • Instructor: Abby L. Braden, Ph.D.

    • Responsibilities: Guest lecturer on topics related to eating disorders in LGBTQ+ people, including an overview of sociocultural and minority stress theories.

  • Spring 2021: Lifespan Developmental Psychology (PSYC 3100)

    • 1 undergraduate course section

    • Instructor: LaNaya M. Anderson, M.S.

    • Responsibilities: Guest lecturer on topics related to adult life, particularly emerging adulthood.

  • Fall 2020: Psychology of Abnormal Behavior (PSYC 4050)

    • 1 undergraduate course section

    • Instructor: Amy K. Jordan, M.S.

    • Responsibilities: Guest lecturer on topics related to disability and health, including an overview of models of health and health promotion efforts.

  • Fall 2020: Lifespan Developmental Psychology (PSYC 3100)

    • 1 undergraduate course section

    • Instructor of Record: Meagan Docherty, Ph.D.

    • Responsibilities: Guest lecturer on topics related to eating disorders in adolescence, including a focus on the biopsychosocial approach to body image and disordered eating; designed exam content on presented lecture.

The Ohio State University

  • Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH 3331)
    Spring 2015 and 2016, 2 undergraduate course sections
    Instructors of Record: Janice N. McLean, Ph.D.; Melissa T. Buelow, Ph.D.
    Topic: Neurobiological, cognitive, and psychophysiological research underlying the etiology and maintenance of eating disorders. Designed exam content.

Mentoring & Tutoring

  • Psychology Tutor, Tutoring Center
    2016, Advisor: Julie M. Hupp, Ph.D.
    Responsibilities: Assisting students in producing APA 6th edition writing, effective test-taking and studying techniques, and tutoring in introductory psychology courses.

  • Research Methods in Psychology (PSYCH 2300)
    2015, 2 undergraduate course sections
    Advisor: Melissa T. Buelow, Ph.D.
    Responsibilities: Weekly feedback on paper drafts, presentation techniques, and ensuring scientifically sound writing.

  • Peer Writing Consultant, The Writer’s Studio
    2015, Advisor: Daniel Keller, Ph.D.
    Responsibilities: Tutoring citation methods, developing writing workshops, and providing interdisciplinary writing tutorials.

Student Mentoring

McNair Scholars Faculty Mentor
Advisor: Dale S. Klopper, Ph.D.

  • Trey J. Williams, BGSU, 2024
    Title: Associations Between Internalized Heterosexism, Eating and Body Image Disturbances, and Psychological Distress in Sexual Minority Men from China and the United States: Differences by Sexual Orientation and Cultural Context

Senior Honors Thesis Co-Advisor
Advisor: Abby L. Braden, Ph.D.

  • Bethany D. Durkin, BGSU, 2022 – 2023
    Title: What Factors Impact Empathy in Undergraduates in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic?: Understanding the Role of Population Density
    Defended: 04/19/2023
    Honors level: Cum Laude

  • Keira N. Mills, BGSU, 2022 – 2023
    Title: What Factors Impact Empathy in Undergraduates in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic?: Understanding the Role of Political Ideology
    Defended: 04/19/2023
    Honors level: Summa Cum Laude

  • Kaylee A. Ries, BGSU, 2022 – 2023
    Title: What Factors Impact Empathy in Undergraduates in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic?: Understanding the Role of Vaccination Status
    Defended: 04/19/2023
    Honors level: Summa Cum Laude

Research Assistants Mentored

BGSU = Bowling Green State University; TBD = current undergraduate student; * = current undergraduate members of Research Group (Elevating Minoritized Backgrounds in Research on Appearance Concerns and Eating Disorders (The EMBRACED Lab)

  • *Spring 2024 – Present, Jonah S. Guthrie, BGSU

  • *Spring 2024 – Present, Audrey J. Stanley, BGSU

  • *Fall 2023 – Present, Hannah E. Lindsey, BGSU

  • *Fall 2023 – Present, Cami Kadel, BGSU

  • *Fall 2023 – Present, Ethan C. Besselman, BGSU

  • *Fall 2022 – Present, Kaylee A. Ries, BGSU

  • Fall 2022, Bethany D. Durkin, BGSU

  • Spring 2022 – Summer 2023, Keira N. Mills, BGSU

  • Spring 2022 – Summer 2023, Sneha Kamath, BGSU
    M.S., Clinical Psychology, Eastern Michigan University

  • Fall 2021, Sarah Meyer, BGSU
    Post-graduate employment

  • Fall 2021, Francesca A. Marino, BGSU
    Doctoral program, Sociology, BGSU

  • Fall 2021, Anika R. Kaufman, BGSU
    Post-graduate employment

  • Fall 2021, Caroline C. Born, BGSU
    M.A., Clinical Psychology, University of Dayton

  • Spring 2020, Ellysia Price, BGSU
    M.S.W., University of Denver

  • Fall 2019 – Spring 2020, Marissa N. Williams, BGSU
    Post-graduate employment

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